Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Meaout 2016 - Highlights

Hey BITK family,

I know we are a little late to share this, but we have to tell you all about our experience at an event we attended over the weekend of March 19th. Meatout 2016 sponsored by the BVSTX (Black Vegetarian Society of Texas) in Desoto, TX. This is a part of the largest grassroots diet education campaign in the United States, and takes in several major cities. This was a great time out to meet different people who are so encouraging on this new lifestyle enhancement we have embarked on.  I’m sure you have heard for a while now about the food we consume on a daily basis is moving faster towards a processed chemical modified junk than actual food that grows from the ground. I mean just look at what they serve in the schools and of course fast food is well, they call it fast food for a reason.

There were numerous vendors present giving samples of delicious vegan cuisine. One of our favorite vendors was Reverie Bake Shop, located here in Richardson, TX. This vegan bake shop (that is right, VEGAN BAKE SHOP!!) is amazing! You can put their deserts next any other bakery and you would be hard pressed to tell it was vegan. The brownie we tried was extremely moist and delicious. We love it so much, that my wife is getting her 30th birthday cake from them!

We had the opportunity to listen to various lectures from phenomenal doctors, nutritionists and professional athletes on the benefit and necessity of living a meatless lifestyle.
The first speaker we heard from was Malcolm Hoard. He was 63 year old man, that you would sure he was in his early 40’s! He was energetic and extremely knowledgeable. His lecture was on how the cells work and function more efficiently when supplied a vegan/vegetarian diets. If you feed healthy food to your cells, it will make healthy organs, which makes a healthy you! This man was a great speaker.

Dr. Maxine A. Theriot, M.D.  was another one of the lecturers that we had the pleasure of listening to, as she covered how to manage your weight on a vegan diet. She being a board certified M.D. and family doctor gave numerous examples of food combinations to help you get the nutrition value at every meal each day for a complete diet.

So, the Keynote speaker was David Carter aka the 300lb Vegan,  a current NFL football player. He spoke on how the wear and tear of his old meat-laden diet, caused many health issues like high blood pressure and inflammation in his joints. If any could relate to this message it is I! This man looks like a beast, and if I didn’t tell you he was vegan, you would never have guessed it.  This gentleman is extremely knowledgeable and very approachable. Because of his personality, we were able to express our passion and desire that we have with Blake’s In the Kitchen and exchange information to work together in the future.  Please google this gentleman as he is a terrific person, with a huge heart for his fellow spirits.

Well, that was some of the highlights from our adventure, and until next time Peace and Blessings!

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